Erst neulich las ich in Ursula K. le Guins Aufsatz „The Fischerwoman“s Daughter“ (erschienen in der wertvollen Kollektion mit Essays über Mutterschaft von Moyra Davey) folgenden Verweis auf Virginia Woolf.
„The greatest enabler for me“ schreibt Ursula Le Guin „was always, is always, Virginia Woolf. And I quote now from the first draft of her Paper „Professions for Women“ where she gives her image of a woman writing. I picture her really in an attitude of contemplation, like a fisherwoman, sitting on the bank of a lake with her fishing rodgeld over the water. Yes that is how I see her. She was not thinking; she was not reasoning; she was not constructing a plot; she was letting her imagination down into the depths of her consciousness while she sat above holding on by a thin but quite necessary thread of reason.“
Zitiert aus: Moira Davey, „Mother Reader, Essential Writings on Motherhood“, Seven Stories Press, New York, 2001, S. 175.